Vbox 2.0.0 upgrade on Ubuntu Hardy AMD64 blowing up

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Wed Sep 10 02:11:37 UTC 2008

I'm running an AMD Athlon X2 dual core 5200+ processor with 4gb of
RAM. When I start the Vbox (non OSE) virtual I typically give it
1.5gb. It's been running great with hardly any issues for several
months other than Explorer sometimes locking up for no good reason.

This morning on a whim, seeing that there's a 2.0.0 out there and I
missed the 1.6.6 revision, I decided to upgrade. Since then my virtual
windows has crashed into the blue screen of death five times while
doing usenet downloads using Newsbin (which has been very stable on
this platform until today). If I leave it sitting on the desktop doing
nothing happens, as I'd hope would be the case.

So I uninstalled the 2.0.0 Vbox, then reinstalled it, did a chkdsk c:
/F in case there was any MFT corruption (none), then reloaded the
2.0.0 guest additions. But it keeps blowing up in the same way.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of blue screen crash since 2.0.0
was released? If so, what did you do about it? Are you still on 2.0.0,
and if so are you living with intermittent failure, or have you just
returned to an earlier revision? (i.e. 1.6.6 or 1.5.4)

On the whole I'm impressed with the stability and functionality of the
Vbox product. It does what I want when I need to go into Windows. But
right now I'm cursing myself and hitting my head with a hammer for
not letting sleeping dogs lie/fixing something that wasn't broken!
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
Systems Theory internet music project: <www.systemstheory.net>
on MySpace: <www.myspace.com/systemstheory>
on Last FM: <www.last.fm/music/Systems+Theory>
get "Codetalkers" *free* at <www.mikedickson.org.uk/codetalkers>
NP: nothing

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