Anyone else get their machine hosed after last update?

Karl Larsen k5di at
Tue Sep 9 05:57:00 UTC 2008

Kim Briggs wrote:
> On 9/6/08, Bill Moseley <moseley at> wrote:
>> Anyone else have this this excitement today?
> Yes, and no.  I did not have the same experience as you, but I put
> this information here for anyone wanting to upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04
> with AMD_64 using this video card
    I am using nVidia on a plain AMD 32 bit kernel. I get the kernel 
driver for nVidia with every kernel update so far.

> nVidia Corporation GeForce 6500
> Screen resolution would not go above 800x600.  Letting the proprietary
> driver take care of things reduce it to 640x480.  I've been installing
> *nixes since 2000 and my opinion was it is too late in the game to
> have to do special tweaks.
    I got my desired 1280 by 1094 immediate after the initial install of 
the good nVidia drivers.

    It sounds like your 64 bit kernel is the problem. It may not work 
with the 32 bit nVidia drivers.
> I installed Debian 4.0 (r4) without issues.  I chose a max resolution
> on the monitor of 1600x1200 and it worked fine with the nv driver.
> I'm still happy with the Ubuntu machines I have, but it is nice that
> less is installed by default (I'm looking at you tracker) in Debian.
> cheers,
    Sure sounds like a kernel problem.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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