usynaptic apt etc

Chris Jeffries chris at
Tue Sep 9 00:05:05 UTC 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 10:34 +0100, ubuntu-users-request at
>         I don't think of it as a shortcoming; however, I almost never
>         use menus 
>         anyway.

You are an expert user,  but a typical user uses them all the time.
Personally, i would like a command line always available to me even
though for many purposes, i also like the GUI facilities.
>          If you want to see what files a package has installed, issue 
>         "dpkg -L <packagename>" ; typically, the binary that executes
>         the 
>         program is under /usr/bin.
Typically, but not always. That is one of the problems.

>         If you're using Gnome, nautilus lets you create desktop icons
>         for your 
>         programs. You can also compartmentalize those icons by
>         creating desktop 
>         folders and placing the icons into those folders. I consider
>         that easier 
>         than creating menu items.
Thats all fine and well, but the desktop is usually obscured by working

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