Extra disks

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sun Sep 7 15:20:08 UTC 2008

Peter Goggin wrote:
> I converted an old system which has several disks with mount points
> like /data1, /data2 etc. I would like to be able to assign these to my
> home director, and my photo directory.  How can I change /data1 to be
> seen as /home/peter/videos

There are 2 options.

a) There is probably an entry in /etc/fstab which mounts the partition 
to /data1. Make a directory /home/peter/videos and then change the entry 
in /etc/fstab to mount the partition to the new location. To edit the file 
use the command

gksu gedit /etc/fstab

in a terminal if you use Gnome or

kdesu kate /etc/fstab

if you use KDE.

b) Make a link /home/peter/videos -> /data1. You can do it with the 

ln -s /data1 /home/peter/videos

in a terminal.


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