Just a small 3d desktop inquiry

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 7 13:24:27 UTC 2008

"Mark Haney" <mhaney at ercbroadband.org>  said:
> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> > Does anyone know what has become of the 3ddesktop package?  It seems
> > that the only, "3ddesktop," now findable is compiz/fuzion.
> > There is an xscreensaver hack, Carousel, that gives the same 3d
> > image type, but it uses image files, not desktop images.
> > Has the name changed to protect the innocent?  Did it just
> > disappear?
> >
> > Cybe R. Wizard
> >     
> My guess is compiz-fusion is the 3ddesktop package now.  The other
> one might have been beryl, but I'm not sure.

No, it didn't do the same thing at all. 3ddesktop was a desktop
switcher package.  All it did was draw all your desktops onto a
3D revolving wheel (like a carousel) and then zoom back to the one you
It was at best a little glam for showing off the uninitiated what Linux
can do. I suppose it might have been deemed unnecessary and dropped
after Beryl and Compiz did the same so much better and with real
useful functionality.
Thanks for the effort, though.

Cybe R. Wizard
Concerning Linux:
"But it is not necessarily wise to write off the skinny kid with the
sling quite yet." 
	Michael Y. Park

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