Just a small 3d desktop inquiry

Mark Haney mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Sun Sep 7 12:52:21 UTC 2008

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> Does anyone know what has become of the 3ddesktop package?  It seems
> that the only, "3ddesktop," now findable is compiz/fuzion.
> There is an xscreensaver hack, Carousel, that gives the same 3d image
> type, but it uses image files, not desktop images.
> Has the name changed to protect the innocent?  Did it just disappear?
> Cybe R. Wizard
My guess is compiz-fusion is the 3ddesktop package now.  The other one 
might have been beryl, but I'm not sure.

Mark Haney
mhaney at ercbroadband.org
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 Kernel: GNU/Linux

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