Foolproof fix for screen resolution?

Burgoo King burgoo.king at
Sat Sep 6 04:32:35 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:

> Nothing is foolproof; I'd recommend right-clicking Applications then
> select "Edit Menus", and under "Other" check the box for "Screens and
> Graphics". 

This is a promising approach but it has not worked.  I keep ending up 
with an 800x600 screen regardless of what selections I make, even when I 
was able to select the desired 1280x768.  A couple of combinations of 
screen resolution, etc. resulted in a huge desktop, much bigger than the 
screen, but mostly it goes to 800x600.

After about 40 tries, I've rebooted to recovery mode and got back to 
1680x1050, which has the right screen proportions but is hard for me to 

Thank you for the suggestion...any other ideas for how to get 1280x768?

-- Charles Rathbone

> On 09/04/2008 05:38 PM, Burgoo King wrote:
>> Greetings and thanks in advance for assistance.
>> In a nutshell, what is the easiest and most foolproof way for me to 
>> change my screen resolution from 1680x1050 to a more readable 1280x768?  
>> The resolution that I want is not offered as a choice in the drop-down 
>> list under System>Preferences>Screen Resolution.
>> I've installed hardy-heron which seems to work well except for the 
>> screen resolution.
>> My home-made desktop computer has an Intel 82865G (i810) graphics 
>> adapter on the motherboard.  The monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster 204BW 
>> 20" flat-screen TFT-LCD monitor.
> Nothing is foolproof; I'd recommend right-clicking Applications then
> select "Edit Menus", and under "Other" check the box for "Screens and
> Graphics". Exit the menu editor and then bring up
> Applications|Other|Screens and Graphics. Select your monitor (Model drop
> down), Samsung|204... and click OK. Select the resolution & frequency
> then click OK. *Do not* mess with anything else (Graphics Card etc).
> Log out and then log back in & see if that works.
> If it does not, or if it makes things worse, then boot in recovery mode
> and select the 4th option to try xfix. Let xfix do it's thing & then
> select option 1 to continue to boot normally.
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