Keyboard Indicator

James Takac p3nndrag0n at
Fri Sep 5 14:21:56 UTC 2008

Hi Anthony

On Friday 05 September 2008 19:43:32 Anthony Gardner wrote:
> Gnome: I have two keyboards set up in the keyboard changer (UK for my
> lappie and US for work's external keyboard)
> When I change the setting to US, upon clicking a new application (a new
> shell for example) it goes back to UK. If I close that app, it goes back to
> US. Bloody annoying. I have googled, but nothing flies out.
> Any ideas?
> -Ants

Which Ubuntu are you using? 8.04. 7.10 .......... What model keyboards. The 
more specifics you give the better the chances someone may be able to help. A 
quick google has shown me there are some known bugs re the keyboard layout 
manager over a few versions of Ubuntu

Maybe try googling

ubuntu keyboard changer bugs


ubuntu keyboard layout bugs

or replace bugs with problems in both searches

Maybe will lead to a solution. And maybe even add in which version of ubuntu, 
e.g. 8.04 / hardy, 7.10 / gutsy, etc


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