package not found

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Fri Sep 5 12:47:53 UTC 2008

--- alex <houseofbadger at> wrote:

> Dear community
> I am new comer in Ubuntu, but not new comer in
> Unix/Linux world.
> Could you please help me to resolve he following
> issue:
> I have to import MS Access data base into kexi
> format. My current version of kexi (1.1.3) is
> crashed in this case. I found corresponded bug in
> KDE errors database. In this database I found the
> recommendation : uninstall kexi-mdb-plug-in and then
> install kexi-mdb-driver. To my regret I could not
> found the package kexi-mdb-driver. Which repository
> can contain mentioned package?
Hi Alex,
I couldn't find either file in my sources.list and I
have a fairly extensive listing. Then googling showed
that the correct file name was "kexi-mdb-plugin".
Further googling showed that kexi-mdb-driver is listed
in all ubuntu versions except Hardy and Intrepid and I
don't know why that is so.  What version of Ubuntu are
you using? If it's gutsy or earlier then
kexi-mdb-driver will be in the repo for KDE/universe.
Someone else may be able to explain why
kexi-mdb-driver is not included the Hardy and
Intrepid. I can't. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
BTW, there are many hits for kexi-mdb-driver when
googling and at least one bug report:

I didn't have time to review them all but you may have
more incentive to do so. HTH,

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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