Ubuntu second hard drive was Windows partition
Mark Haney
mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Fri Sep 5 12:02:04 UTC 2008
Karl Larsen wrote:
> Not so. There is the MBR in the front of the HD and in front of the
> one partition you seem to favor.
> My point is not to show you up as wrong. It is to show you the
> proper way to state a condition. "Mount a hard drive..." is incorrect.
> You can't do this. Try to do it with fstab.
> Karl
Okay, Karl, I'm going to spell it out for you. Since you want to get
into a pissing contest over technical accuracy.
NO, there is not always an MBR at the front of the drive. The MBR can
be anywhere on the drive. Or there may not be an MBR at all. I have a
half dozen linux boxes here that don't USE MBRs to boot their operating
Not to mention the fact that there are new experimental filesystems that
don't use partitioning at all since the partition information takes up
space (as well as the file system tables) that it won't need in a purely
asynchronous data setting.
Not to mention, how many times have you heard on here, 'I can't mount my
flash drive?' or, as in this case, he wasn't mounting his second drive
The point I am making is KNOWLEDGEABLE people understand the fact that
it's a partition we're talking about. The only time someone mentions
mounting a partition is when there are multiple ones on a drive. By
default, if they say 'drive' they mean the entire drive in one partition.
And believe me, you aren't showing me up as wrong, you're just
continually showing how little you know by these posts.
Please, I ask one last time, before you go spouting out tripe like this,
think first. And understand that certain conditions are understood
inherently in certain technical phrases. I mean if you want to get
really picky, the system never /mounts/ a drive, it send a message to
the filesystem drive to talk to the hardware controller, to tell the
drive that it needs to present information that it is present to the
operating system. I mean if you want to REALLY get serious about the
exact method of mounting a drive, we'd be here all day every day digging
through the exact method by which the OS does that.
We don't NEED to spell that out everytime. It is UNDERSTOOD. My 9 year
old daughter even understands what I mean by mounting a drive. She
knows more about filesystems and partitioning than most adults.
Now, can you possibly get that through your skull? I'm really kind of
sick of having to explain this to you over and over. We know what we
mean when we say it. Period. End of discussion, if you don't like it,
tough. It's pretty much SOP in the tech world.
Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415
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