maildirs (was rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Thu Sep 4 14:37:27 UTC 2008

Rashkae wrote:
> Incidentally, the common belief that maildir is automatically superior
> and faster to mbox is very false.  Maildir is faster at sorting messages
> between directories and deleting messages, and is probably a necessity
> on storage for several simultaneous users for that reason.  However,
> just about everything else (indexing/reading mail, and especially,
> searching through the bodies of a very large mail store and backing up
> your mail folders) are much faster on mbox.

20080904 0934 GMT-6

What about size? When I got past a few gigs of email thunderbird 
crashed. I moved to maildir and its been fine since.

For the average user though- mbox is easy as its already setup for you 
by the mail client.


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