Linux printing on a windows network, where to start
Chris Jeffries
chris at
Thu Sep 4 06:08:09 UTC 2008
On Thu, 2008-09-04 at 03:36 +0100, ubuntu-users-request at
> Re: Linux printing on a windows network, where to start
ISTR a while back a suggestion of generating postscript at the Linux end
of the network and catching that and formatting for the printer at the
Windows end. It addessed a different problem I think, but may
nevertheless sort your problem.
I cannot remember the exact details, but I think a search in the archive
of this list for Ubuntu Ghostscript and Windows might find it. (Probably
the Ubuntu is superfluous.) Maybe someone here with more experience can
give detail.
I hazard a guess this would trigger the windows driver for the printer
into processing the file like this:
App prog | ghostscript | network transport | print prog with
postscript input and windows (is it?) CGM output | printer
driver | printer | paper with printing on it :-)
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Those who think there are two sorts of people
and those who don't
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