rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Derek Broughton news at
Wed Sep 3 20:15:54 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:

> 2008/9/3 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
>> 2008/9/3 Knapp <magick.crow at>:
>>> For the really paranoid user that does not want to think about any of
>>> this just do all your surfing form a live CD. END OF STORY. No data at
>>> all on the disk!
>> You could run that LiveCD in a virtual machine, to save yourself a
>> reboot every time you want to browse the web.
> Does a virtual machine write data out to the HD?

If you want it to.  But if you create a VM that boots from a virtual CD
drive pointing to the .iso of a Live CD, then you have exactly the same
setup as running the Live CD itself.

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