rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Wed Sep 3 21:28:34 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 03 Sep 2008 09:38:27 -0400
Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:

> Mumia W. wrote:
> > On 09/02/2008 02:58 PM, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> >> 2008/9/2 NoOp <glgxg at>:
> >>> On 09/01/2008 10:29 PM, Steve Lamb wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>     I don't need the above.  I've been there.  I know the issues.  I work
> >>>> around them.  I'd rather not have to hence my question to Dotan.  Please,
> >>>> unless you have something *meaningful* to contribute, don't reply.
> >>>>
> >>> Not to worry, you'll see no further replys from me in the future.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> Nik, I hope you realize that one of the most helpful people on this
> >> list (and other lists that I subscribe to) just told you that he will
> >> not help you anymore. You might want to rethink the way you word your
> >> responses to those who are trying to help you.
> >>
> > 
> > Steve Lamb is a very, very knowledgeable person in his own right, and he 
> > helps (both here an in debian-user) far more people than from whom he 
> > receives help. I read nothing from Steve in this thread that should have 
> > offended anyone.
> > 
> > FX3 is flawed in several ways, and there will be much weeping when 
> > security support for FX2 ends in December. I hope someone or some 
> > organization is willing to step up to the plate and provide continuing 
> > security support for FX2--even for money.
> > 
> > Mozilla's mismanagement of its flagship browser is going to make someone 
> > rich.
> > 
> > 
> Where do you get this from?  So far, most of the talk here is about
> security issues with the new data storage, which is debatable, but for
> most people is, probably just a red herring
> And then is there version fatigue with the new Awesome bar.  I'm sure if
> it were really such an issue for more than the smallest percentage of
> users, there would *already* be an extension to replace this, and have
> no doubt one will pop up soon in any event.

Of course, there are those of us that simply switched browsers, instead
of fighting with ff ver 3 to get it to do it "my way".

I use Epiphany now, it's working today. Also Dillo, at times.

- -- 
Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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