
James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 14:59:11 UTC 2008

Hi Mark

On Thursday 04 September 2008 00:45:28 Mark Haney wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
> >     The name Ubuntu means it just works. If that didn't happen in your
> > case then your computer is either not main stream or it is broken. If
> > Windows works on your computer use it!
> >
> > Karl
> What a load of crap, Karl.  Are you serious?  Googling 'Ubuntu' gives me
> this:
> Ubuntu (IPA: [uːˈbuːntuː] in English,[1] [ùɓúntú] in Zulu) is a free
> computer operating system based on the Linux kernel. Its name comes from
> the Zulu word ubuntu, loosely translated as "humanity".
> (Thanks Wikipedia.)
> So not only are you WRONG about what it means, you're simply not being
> helpful at all in trying to get the problems fixed.
> I've never been more appalled at a post in my life.  Did you even look
> at his previous posts before this one?  Probably not.
> The problems he was having (at least the VPN one) would probably have
> been a problem in Windows as well.
> His printing problems weren't problems so much as he wasn't sure how to
> configure his linux box to print to a windows shared printer.
> The point is, /nothing/ 'just works' all the time.  People have problems
> getting things setup.  In Windows or otherwise.  We all have to start
> somewhere.  Your attitude toward him (and others) is childish and makes
> this list look very bad in the eyes of a lot of people.  Would you
> appreciate your mechanic telling you, 'well Oldsmobile means 'it just
> works' and since it doesn't for you, maybe you should go to Ford'?
> How would you have liked one of your school teachers to tell you what
> you just told Chris?  Would you have learned anything?  No.  Would you
> have been encouraged to keep trying?  No.
> I can't remember a time when I've posted so many semi-to-angry emails to
> a list.  It's like dealing with 5 year olds.  We are all supposed to be
> adults on this list, yet I continue to see posts like this one.  If you
> can't help the poster, then STFU.  Plain and simple.  If you have
> nothing useful to add concerning Ubuntu, do likewise.  Get some manners
> and show some respect.
> --
> Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
> Mark Haney
> Sr. Systems Administrator
> ERC Broadband
> (828) 350-2415
> Call (866) ERC-7110 for after hours support

As a side note here when Ubuntu is installed in the examples folder one will 
find a vid of Nelson Mandella explaining the meaning of Ubuntu which seems to 
reflect an ideal and certainly doesn't reflect what I can see above in Karl's 


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