Slow down CDROM drive

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at
Wed Sep 3 12:53:17 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> Turned out a shard of the broken disc was still in there and moved like
>> a needle in a record on the discs subsequently put in.
> I am familiar with that situation, actually, it is not very unique! A
> drive of mine would also scratch discs after a disc exploded in it.

Gotta admit, though, that it was kind of pretty.

>> Not your situation, but point is that maybe it's risky once a drive has
>> a problem like that at the speeds they spin to keep using it unless you
>> absolutely must.
> I should learn to install from USB!

Or can you use an ISO? If installing to Windows, you can use daemon 
tools or something like that to mount ISO images virtually...

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