Slow down CDROM drive

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Sep 3 12:36:03 UTC 2008

2008/9/3 Bart Silverstrim <bsilver at>:
> Side note...aren't you risking any discs you put into the drive, if it
> does go into "catastrophic failure"?

Yes, I am. That is why I want to only use it for installation media.

> I had a drive where a customer had a disc detonate, then discs he put in
> later wouldn't work right. We put in a disc, it ran fine. Two minutes
> later they failed. Removed the disc and there was a spiral groove etched
> into it.
> Turned out a shard of the broken disc was still in there and moved like
> a needle in a record on the discs subsequently put in.

I am familiar with that situation, actually, it is not very unique! A
drive of mine would also scratch discs after a disc exploded in it.

> Not your situation, but point is that maybe it's risky once a drive has
> a problem like that at the speeds they spin to keep using it unless you
> absolutely must.

I should learn to install from USB!

Dotan Cohen


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