locale and OpenOffice

Moritz Reiter verwertungsprozess at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 12:04:34 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 10:25 PM, Johnny Rosenberg
<gurus.knugum at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2008/8/31 verwertungsprozess <verwertungsprozess at gmail.com>
> I just noticed that you asked a question about OpenOffice.org on the Ubuntu
> list. That's not a bad idea, I suppose, I just wanted to inform you, just in
> case you didn't already know, that there are a few OpenOffice.org lists as
> well. In the future, if you ask something more and don't get good answers
> here, you might want to try the users at openoffice.org list. There are also
> lists for OpenOffice.org developers and a few lists for other languages than
> English. More info can be found at openoffice.org but I think you can
> subscribe to the OpenOffice.org user's list by sending an empty email to
> users-subscribe at openoffice.org.

Hi Johnny,

thanks for the hint!

Moritz Reiter

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