rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at
Wed Sep 3 08:00:53 UTC 2008


Nik N wrote:

> Answers which imply that such concerns are ill-founded are not
> helpful - through a process that this list discussion can't influence, the
> users involved have already decided that FF3 could not be trusted to
> reliably operate as they desire. Likewise for answers that imply there
> are other elements that should be considered part of the threat model
> (for instance, network monitoring): users already know about those
> and have an appropriate defense strategy.

I cannot answer your questions about FF3, however, given your security
concerns have you considered using an encrypted file system for /home?
It would not matter then what FF or any other app does, the files are
unreadable by any forensic tools without the pass phrase.

Just a thought.

Tony Arnold,                        Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security,                Fax: +44 (0) 870 136 1004
University of Manchester,           Mob: +44 (0) 773 330 0039
Manchester M13 9PL.                 Email: tony.arnold at

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