Hug Day!!

Dereck Wonnacott dereck at
Tue Sep 2 04:47:06 UTC 2008

Fellow Ubuntu Lovers!

Its me again, giving your spam filters the slip, and you know what that
means, this week's HUG DAY!

This week's target is *drum roll please*
Rhythmbox, Totem, and gstreamer!
 * 46 New bugs need a hug
 * 29  Confirmed bugs just need a review

Bookmark it, add it to your calenders, turn over your egg-timers!
 * Thursday September 5th

Can't stress it enough: everyone can help!
 * Member of bug control? I think you know what to do. *poke*
 * If you're new to all this, head to

Make a difference: Join the Hug Day on Thursday. We will be in
#ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) all day and night, and will be ready to answer
your questions about how to help. My handle is Awsoonn so please say hi!

Have a awesome day,
   Dereck Wonnacott
  (from the BugSquad)

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