Problems with Evolution on Intrepid

Lorenzo Taylor daxlinux at
Mon Sep 1 16:58:49 UTC 2008

I have 3 email accounts setup in Evolution 2.23.90-0ubuntu1 Intrepid
64-bit. About 4 days ago, new messages stopped arriving in the inbox for
one of these accounts. I didn't have a problem with that, since I was
planning to change the address for the account in question. So I edited
all the settings and changed the account to a new mailbox. Both the old
and new boxes are gmail IMAP mailboxes. Once I got the mailbox
information changed, I sent a test message to the new mailbox.
Unfortunately, nothing happened, even though the gmail web site says the
message is there and it appears in All Mail in its Evo account.

I tried deleting the account in Evo and recreating it to no avail. I
also tried deleting its mailbox folder in .evolution and even the
entire .evolution folder with no luck. It recognized new messages for a
minute or 2 and then stopped. The other problem is that it asks for my
password for this account every time I start Evo, even though I have it
set to remember the password.

Neither of my other accounts are affected. One is another gmail IMAP
box, which is the one sending this message, and the other is AIM IMAP.
Both of these accounts function properly and do not require the password
every time I start Evo. Is there some kind of bug in Evolution causing
this or do I need to delete a bad configuration somewhere that is not
in .evolution?

Thanks for any help,
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