a few quick questions

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 14:58:53 UTC 2008

2008/8/29 Zhengguo Xu <tworiversfolk at gmail.com>

> hi, i just installed hardy on my HP desktop as well. i'm still configuring
> it. here're some questions i'd like to ask:
> 1. how to edit panel menubar?
> the link
> http://library.gnome.org/users/user-guide/stable/menu-editor.html.en only
> said we can edit applications and systems. can we edit *Places* as well
> (basically, how to add a folder, say Download, under Places)? how?
> 2. since my laptop has hardy as well and and i'm using evolution mail
> client. is there any way to synchronize my setting between these 2 machines,
> like the way Foxmarks bookmark syncronizer works?
> 3. i set up a user account for my wife as well but i was tired to do all
> the setting again. is there anything i can do to simplify it? (i mean, i
> customized all menubar, compiz ... and i'd like somehow "transfer" this
> setting for my wife)
I am not sure if this is recommended, but if you didn't create anything
personal yet, yo should be able to copy everything in you home folder to her
account, especially every file and folder with a name starting with a dot,
such as .bashrc, .gnome and whatever. The easiest way to do this should be
opening a terminal and type something like:
sudo cp -r /home/<your user name>/* /home/<her user name>/
but WAIT to do this until someone else writes here and confirm or deny this.
I'm kind of a beginner myself, you know.

> ok, that's for now, thanks!!
> --
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