I am so lost with this program!!!!
Mark Haney
mhaney at ercbroadband.org
Mon Sep 1 13:49:12 UTC 2008
Karl Larsen wrote:
>> It's amazing this is still being talked about, when the OP has never
>> posted again. This is a sure sign he was a troll and not run off by
>> what anyone on this list said.
> First your very prone to calling anyone you don't like at the time a
> Troll. Where you get this name I know not but it sounds like a bad thing.
> As for the original message it was someone who was new to Ubuntu and
> had somehow ruined his Windows. It sounded like he took the simple out
> and re-loaded Windows. A Troll he was not. He just wrote one message.
> The entire problem was us. We kept the issue open long after the
> person, maybe a Doctor or a Bum, left this list.
I'm very prone? This is in fact, the first time I've EVER called anyone
a troll. Look it up on the lists, my posts go back 10+ years and I've
never called anyone a troll before. Get your facts straight.
Second, you know NOTHING about the OP other than what was in that first
post. We don't know if he ruined Windows or otherwise. It's possible
Windows wasn't ruined, it was removed when Ubuntu was installed. That's
not ruined that's GONE.
Third, it obviously WAS NOT the simple way out if he was asking us how
to do 'reload Windows' now was it? A TROLL he was. One poorly written
demanding message with no subsequent reply IS a troll.
And fourth. The problem was us only insomuch as everyone else kept
hammering at me for recognizing a troll and being a bit of a smart ass.
I've already apologized for that, but I'll not apologize for this one.
I'm sick to death of holier-than-thou attitudes from people. Somehow,
in the world, an apology became worthless. I recognized the fact that I
jumped the gun. I made it clear that it was wrong and that I was sorry.
But, no more. If you don't like my attitude, tough. Get over it. Grow
a thicker skin.
I've been here a long time on these lists, helping people, AND being
helped. That's what they are here for. But I'm not here to second
guess every action I make because someone might be offended. If I did
that, I'd never get anything done.
Now. I consider this thread closed. I'm neither defending my actions
nor posting anymore on this subject.
Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar
Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415
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