I am so lost with this program!!!!

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Mon Sep 1 13:16:20 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 7:37 PM, Leonard Chatagnier
>> I have been having a good time following this. First the guy posts
>> something that looks a lot like a troll but who knows for sure and
>> never seems to come back. Then people start helping and others say he
>> is a troll etc. I think a lot of what happens here has to do with how
>> often people read their emails. Some every day, others one time a
>> week. Seems to keep things moving. I hope that pro guy has a strong
>> skin. He should, if he is a pro and has spent much time on listservs.
> Oh, I'm still here.  I'm not scared away that easily. Instead of 
> spending the weekend defending my position (and myself) I enjoyed time 
> with my family (and, sadly watching my Hokies lose).
> I've never been one to let what other people think of me, or my actions, 
> get under my skin.  I am who I am.  I make no apologies for that.  I 
> will, however, retract things when I feel I've let my emotions overrule 
> good sense, as I did here.
> It's amazing this is still being talked about, when the OP has never 
> posted again.  This is a sure sign he was a troll and not run off by 
> what anyone on this list said.
    First your very prone to calling anyone you don't like at the time a 
Troll. Where you get this name I know not but it sounds like a bad thing.

    As for the original message it was someone who was new to Ubuntu and 
had somehow ruined his Windows. It sounded like he took the simple out 
and re-loaded Windows. A Troll he was not. He just wrote one message.

    The entire problem was us. We kept the issue open long after the 
person, maybe a Doctor or a Bum, left this list.


>   It's idiots like that who (in MY 
> opinion) don't deserve help.
> Nevertheless, I'm back, and while I had no idea my OP on this was going 
> to generate such a thread, I'm rather glad it did.  It gets people 
> thinking and making up their own minds about things, and that is GOOD. 
> That is what needs to happen.  If more people think about this, the more 
> proficient they become at it.  The less we'll get silly questions like 
> the one that started this thread.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
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