rolling Firefox back to 2.x

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Mon Sep 1 07:58:46 UTC 2008

2008/9/1 Nik N <niknot at>:
> I said IE security settings, not Windows OS.

As I understand it, and I do not have Windows so I may be wrong, there
is no IE security settings. There is Windows security settings, and IE
as a Windows component uses those settings. Even opening the
configuration dialog from within IE is changing the Windows settings.
The rational is the that IE is a Windows component- and that is why
Windows still ships with IE in the EU, as the EU wanted to have IE
stripped but MS deemed that impossible.

> When I use a browser that is
> an alternative to the one thrown in by the OS vendor, I expect it to behave
> as I tell it, not as some hard-to-manage and bug-prone IE settings.

Again, those are OS settings.

> Do a search
> on "This download has been blocked by your Security Zone Policy";
> and you'll see that this is often not a trivial thing to resolve
> (re-installing IE7, among
> other things?).

What? Windows has bugs that are hard to deal with? Then use a different OS.

> Yes, this is a problem on another platform,  but there
> are Linux
> version issues as noted above, and  I've lost the confidence I once had in the
> ability of Firefox developers and product planners.

I see. Because Firefox 3 runs on a buggy, hard to deal with OS, and
respects that OS's buggy security settings, you are not using it in
Linux. I smell a fallacy, but you are free to make your own decisions.

> I'll stick with
> FF2 while searching
> for the alternatives.

That is a reasonable choice. Might I suggest Opera? Opera also runs on
the same buggy OS that Firefox 3 runs on, but it just might ignore the
user's explicit OS settings as you seem to prefer. Konqueror is also a
very decent web browser now, though you will need to install KDE to
use it. For that matter, I find KDE 3.x to be a much superior
environment to Gnome.

Note: I have tried to word this in as un-cynical a style as I could,
but I simply could not remove all the cynicism from it. Don't take it
personally. I feel that you do not see the fallacy of your reasoning.
But I do not think that you are being irrational, which is why I am
still interested in helping you find a suitable browser.

Dotan Cohen


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