Integrity changes from other Linux
Karl Larsen
k5di at
Fri Oct 31 11:57:07 UTC 2008
David Fox wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at> wrote:
>> I am getting a handle on why NVIDIA has trouble with Ubuntu
>> Integrity. I tried to compile a NVIDIA module on it and it failed. This
>> is what happened:
> This has little to do with Ubuntu or even Nvidia. You have to have the
> kernel headers package installed to be able to install the kernel.
> I think using the nvidia packages that are available in ubuntu
> packages is a preferable solution and it really isn't that difficult
> to compile a custom driver for your machine. You just have to realize
> that each time you change kernels (and Intrepid will do this) you need
> to redo the install for your box. I've used packaged solutions as well
> as binary blobs (having installed the latest Nvidia driver on my hardy
> install, using the binary blob) and the install went pretty smoothly.
> There's only one gotcha, the module fails to autoload on boot so I get
> a boot to a low res graphical mode, and then I have to log to a
> console and sudo insmod <path to nvidia.ko> each time before I am able
> to startx. I haven't been able to figure out why that is, but just
> have gotten used to doing it that way.
This is NOT the problem. My Intrepid has the whole kernel package as
it is supposed to be. I d/l the bash file of the NVIDIA 177 drivers from
the NVIDIA web page because the supplied NVIDIA drivers on Intrepid do
not work.
Then I had to find out how to operate Intrepid without X-Windows
running. This was tricky but it worked. I got the bash file busy and it
failed to make a kernel driver. It said for me to look at the error log
which I did and for sure the kernel in Intrepid is different than in the
other Linux packages this bash file is used with.
When I tried to load the Ubuntu version of 177 it d/l it from a
server but the software doing the install failed. It does not work. I
tried two times with no success.
This is how I proved there are changes to Integrity when compared to
Hardy that make getting NVIDIA working impossible.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
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