Ubuntu download

Chris Rees utisoft at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 30 21:37:07 UTC 2008

2008/10/30  <Alan_Dacey at horizonblue.com>:
>>From: <sfreilly at roadrunner.com>
>>Subject: Re: Ubuntu download
>>---- Alan_Dacey at horizonblue.com wrote:
>>> If you are playing high-end games, you will not get them to work on
>>> anything but windows.
>>Thats not really true.
>>Many times games run at a fps greater than windows on the same box.
>>you may want to look at cedega or codeweavers. (not just for games)  Ive
>> found that there are many, many games and programs supported by wine out of
>> the box.  Both these >companies upstream wine improvements so you dont even
>> need to get into subscriptions.   good luck.
> You got me there :(
> I even just got the free codeweavers gaming thing yesterday and I should
> have remembered that.  At the time I wrote that I did not have my morning
> coffee.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it!  What I should have said
> is that the very latest games will probably not run very well without
> subscription software or some tweaking in wine.  I have gotten some older
> games running pretty much OK.  I also have not put in a lot of time in it so
> I am sure it can be done better.  And there is always DosBox for the really
> old ones.  I can still play Doom 2. (now if I can ever shoot some rockets
> into that mouth at the end I can actually finish it)
> Alan Dacey
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Half-life 2 has always run fine for me. The whole Orange Box unless
I'm mistaken is supported fine.

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