Hardy, digital camara, f-spot and desktop icon
Mario Vukelic
mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Thu Oct 30 20:42:47 UTC 2008
On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 15:14 -0400, H.S. wrote:
> I am helping somebody use a digital camera with their Hardy machine.
> When the camera, Canon A570, is connected with the Hardy machine's USB
> port, f-spot fires up. But no icon showing the camera as a mounted disk
> shows up on the desktop and neither in Places.
> However, some other cameras appear to show those mounted device icons.
> What gives? How come a camera connection can trigger f-spot but the
> mounted camera device is not shown? Explanation on how this works or the
> mechanics of how this is supposed to work will be greatly appreciated.
I believe that Canon cameras often don't register as a USB mass storage
device, but use a special camera protocol, PTP (Picture Transfer
Protocol). At least they did this a few years ago. PTP is also
supported, but it might cause the camera not to show up as a mounted
That, or the media handling in the file manager has something to do with
it. Open File|Preferences|tab Media in any file manager window. Check
for the setting for "Photo:".
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