Ubuntu custom iso: unable to install, root password required!

maina at mullard.co.ke maina at mullard.co.ke
Thu Oct 30 15:23:41 UTC 2008

Brian McKee wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 12:01 AM,  <maina at mullard.co.ke> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I have created a custom ubuntu iso, after burning it on the dvd and
>> loading the live dvd i cannt install it. The problem is it keeps asking
>> for administrator(root) password when i click on install icon on the
>> desktop and it is not accepting the root password from the original
>> system.
>> Any advice/solution/wayout will be highly apprecited
>> Distro is 7.04 fully updated/upgraded. I used remastersys to create the
>> iso
> This issue came up on the list earlier this year (summer time?)
> Somebody here spent a bunch of time trying to recreate the problem,
> and IIRC the problem went away if you burn the DVD at a slower speed.
>  I know that sounds far fetched, but that's the solution I remember
> (even if I can remember why it works)
> Try that, or search the archives for more.
> Brian

Thanks for the pointer.

I have searched the archives starting from Jan all the way to Oct but i
didnt see any mail(s) with discussion(s) of the problem am having, do u
happen to remember exactly which month it was?


David Maina.
Systems Integrator.
Mullard Electronics LTD.
Vision Plaza, Mombasa Road, Grd Flr, Suite 4.
P.O Box 59316, 00200, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. +254 20 552741.
Cell: +254 721 950073.
Email: maina at mullard.co.ke.
Website: www.mullard.co.ke.

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