Intrepid Blues
Karl Larsen
k5di at
Wed Oct 29 22:45:37 UTC 2008
steve wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>> Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
>>>> Karl Larsen <k5di at> said:
>>>>> Does anyone know if the Intrepid servers have any nVidia
>>>>> software? Where do you look? I seem to have a nVidia control panel
>>>>> but it doesn't seem to do anything. What do you need to do with that?
>>>> I'd like to help, Karl, but Intrepid set up my nVidia GeForce 7600 GS
>>>> without any effort on my part. Someone suggested envyng. It did help
>>>> me on my 8.04 installation. Maybe it could help you, too.
>>>> Oh, check under <System><Administration><Hardware Drivers> first.
>> On my rc version of Intrepid with 130 Updates this exists but is
>> broken like this:
>> 1. You go to Hardware Drivers and there is nothing to help you with
>> which one to use. There are 4 driver packages offered and I tried the
>> one recommended for some reason I think 177...
>> 2. Sign in as root and the big square panel gets a small panel in the
>> middle that has 0% shown to begin. And it stays at 0% while the download
>> is happening. I can see the Internet is busy and the hard drive is
>> getting written to. But the panel stays at 0%.
>> 3. Then the panel disappears and the big panel wants you to start the
>> nVidia driver. I clicked but no luck. It is broken.
>> 4. So the Intrepid rc with 130 Updates is still not able to support a
>> nVidia computer.
>> Karl
>>>> It
>>>> holds the installation protocols for the nVidia drivers, AFAICT.
>>>> Cybe R. Wizard
>>> I will look. It does hold mine for Hardy.
>>> Karl
> did you try any of the other 3 drivers, I had 2 different atheros
> drivers in "hardware drivers" I know not the same thing but..., one
> worked and the other did not. If none of the nvidia drivers work, I
> would go for envy.
> - --
> Steve Reilly
> "Any people anywhere, being inclined, and having the power, have the
> right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new
> one that suits them better." Abraham Lincoln 1848
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It appears that Intrepid will never work with my computer. The
release notes say the needed drivers are not available.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
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