Help Needed

John Heinen hensandpat at
Wed Oct 29 20:03:16 UTC 2008

Mark Haney wrote:
> Dr. Basavraj Kadalage wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>>               I was previously using Vista Ultimate edition and have just installed UBUNTU 8.04 edition. I had installed it from windows vista. 
>>               Whenever I am restarting the comp... first time UBUNTU loaded but now insted of opening the UBUNTU OS, system gets stuck at some DOS prompt which shows "INITRAMFS"
>>               Also in the UBUNTU i am not able to use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth nor I can connect USB hard disks and Pen Drives. 
>>               Kindly guide me as I am very new to this "Linux" and wanted to know more about it. I am also fed up with windows so wanted to say a fine "good bye" to microsoft. Can u help me with these issues?
> Okay, one thing at a time.  It's not a DOS prompt, not really.  Close 
> enough I suppose.  The problem sounds like your INITRD image isn't 
> right.  But without more debug info, I can't be sure.
> Did you try running Ubuntu on your system with a LiveCD(or DVD) before 
> you installed it?
> All of those thing you list as not working certainly do work in linux, 
> and most of them (the USB devices definitely) should 'just work'. 
> Wireless and Bluetooth are always a little flaky to configure.
> If you can boot a rescue CD and post to us output of lspci and dmesg 
> that would be really helpful.
> However, even before that, if you're new to Linux, you might want to 
> take things very slow before dropping M$ completely.  While the 
> transition is getting better, it's still not for the 'n00bs'.  A lot of 
> people tend to jump in to the linux thing whole hog, get frustrated when 
> it doesn't do things the way Windows does it, and drops it like a hot 
> potato.
Lucter et em ergo..........ik worstel en ontzwem..........I wrestled and 
made it.

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