Help Needed

Mark Haney mhaney at
Wed Oct 29 18:16:34 UTC 2008

Dr. Basavraj Kadalage wrote:
> Dear friends,
>               I was previously using Vista Ultimate edition and have just installed UBUNTU 8.04 edition. I had installed it from windows vista. 
>               Whenever I am restarting the comp... first time UBUNTU loaded but now insted of opening the UBUNTU OS, system gets stuck at some DOS prompt which shows "INITRAMFS"
>               Also in the UBUNTU i am not able to use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth nor I can connect USB hard disks and Pen Drives. 
>               Kindly guide me as I am very new to this "Linux" and wanted to know more about it. I am also fed up with windows so wanted to say a fine "good bye" to microsoft. Can u help me with these issues?

Okay, one thing at a time.  It's not a DOS prompt, not really.  Close 
enough I suppose.  The problem sounds like your INITRD image isn't 
right.  But without more debug info, I can't be sure.

Did you try running Ubuntu on your system with a LiveCD(or DVD) before 
you installed it?

All of those thing you list as not working certainly do work in linux, 
and most of them (the USB devices definitely) should 'just work'. 
Wireless and Bluetooth are always a little flaky to configure.

If you can boot a rescue CD and post to us output of lspci and dmesg 
that would be really helpful.

However, even before that, if you're new to Linux, you might want to 
take things very slow before dropping M$ completely.  While the 
transition is getting better, it's still not for the 'n00bs'.  A lot of 
people tend to jump in to the linux thing whole hog, get frustrated when 
it doesn't do things the way Windows does it, and drops it like a hot 

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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