OT: printer support [was: Re: Should I add this Repo?]

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 29 17:56:11 UTC 2008

--- On Wed, 10/29/08, Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com> wrote:

> From: Rashkae <ubuntu at tigershaunt.com>
> Subject: Re: OT: printer support [was: Re: Should I add this Repo?]
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 12:36 PM
> Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> >>
> > Read the entire threads and decide for yourself. It
> does go on an on. And it matters not to me how you decide, I
> did what I had to do. I'm not upset with Derek's
> defense of proper Ubuntu usage but with his sarcastic,
> condescending and total disrespect for people and their
> opinions and feelings. Your comments above and the original
> response to it says a lot about Derek and his personality.
> I'm no tough guy; just a somewhat frail 71 yr old that
> can just barely walk due to bad back and failed surgery. So,
> why do you think I would get so upset to say what I did?
> Others have commented of the issue and I didn't get
> upset with them. Read the entire post and decide for
> yourself.
> > I do apologize to Karl, not meaning to insult him but
> to only to point out that I wouldn't take it a meekly as
> he does. Sorry, Karl, I shouldn't have mentioned your
> name.
> > But if I'm a "craptastic Internet tough
> guy", pray tell me just what Derek is?
> > I'm not the only one to get upset with Derek and
> his ways and it's not the first time for me. There's
> been at least one other calling down Derek in the last 3 or
> 4 months that you might remember if you read all the list. 
> > Leonard Chatagnier
> > lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net
> Sorry, I'm not going to join you on the "let's
> complain about Derek" train.
> I like him, and I've butted heads with him on this list
> as often as anyone.
> Obviously you don't share my opinion, and that's
> fine as well.  But you
> had the simple choice of disengaging from the
> conversation.. Instead you
> turn to personal insults and threats, something which, as
> far as I know,
> Derek has never done.
> -
Derek is the one who wouldn't disengage. I tried to. But since you say you like him, I don't think I could convince you otherwise. So you wont join me in the let's bash Derek's train but you will join in on the let's bash Leonard's train.  That's ok, I guess. Are you not perpetuating the thread? Why not take it of-list? I'd be happy to address any questions or issues you may have.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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