fdisk/gparted Bug

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Oct 29 00:55:39 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:

> Rashkae wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>     OK I am now certain I did not cause the problem of last week when I
>>> found the External partition size was too small. I just checked and the
>>> one I fixed with gparted is again just large enough to cover the
>>> existing partitions. It is complex for sure but I want to write a Bug
>>> since it is now certain a bug :-)
>> Is the installer maybe shrinking the existing extended partition so it
>> doesn't extend past the space used by the partitions within it?
>> Either way, I seriously doubt your conclusion.


> Unless you KNOW the Installer (what ever that is) is shrinking the
> extended partition then the Bug is on the installer.
> Do you know what that is?

Where would you file a bug?  I don't think you know enough to be able to
file a bug yet.  How can you even be sure there's a bug?  Is there any
reason unallocated space beyond the end of the last used logical partition
should be allocated inside the extended partition?  Are you certain you
wrote the partition table after you modified the partition, last time?  Do
fdisk, sfdisk, cfdisk all show the same values as parted?

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