Removing startup scripts

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Oct 29 02:27:53 UTC 2008

On 10/28/2008 05:31 PM, John Hubbard wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> John Hubbard wrote:
>>> I poked around in /etc/rc5.d/ and saw that I had a few processes that
>>> were loading that I didn't need.  For example kvm was loading and I use
>>> Virtual Box.  So I figured I could remove some of the things I didn't
>>> need.  I did an apt-get remove kvm.  I haven't rebooted yet but I still
>>> see "S20kvm" in /etc/rc5.d/.  Is it safe to just remove these scripts?
>>> Is there an easy way to remove them from all run levels?  Shouldn't
>>> removing a package remove the associated init script?
>> Er...  You know the default run level in Debian/Ubuntu has always been
>> runlevel 2, don't you?  
>> Removing a package probably should remove the scripts but my experience is
>> that few, if any, do.
> Good to know, and no I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the heads up. I 
> am poking around trying to see if I can get my boot time closer to this:
> I don't think I know enough to be really successful but worst case I end 
> up with a machine that I can't boot.

You can also try the boot manager:

sudo apt-get install bum

And also don't forget that you can deselect services via
System|Administration|Services and System|Preferences|Sessions

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