fdisk/gparted Bug

Karl Larsen k5di at zianet.com
Wed Oct 29 01:01:23 UTC 2008

Karl Larsen wrote:
> Rashkae wrote:
>> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>     OK I am now certain I did not cause the problem of last week when I 
>>> found the External partition size was too small. I just checked and the 
>>> one I fixed with gparted is again just large enough to cover the 
>>> existing partitions. It is complex for sure but I want to write a Bug 
>>> since it is now certain a bug :-)
>>> Karl
>> Is the installer maybe shrinking the existing extended partition so it
>> doesn't extend past the space used by the partitions within it?
>> Either way, I seriously doubt your conclusion.
> Unless you KNOW the Installer (what ever that is) is shrinking the 
> extended partition then the Bug is on the installer.
> Do you know what that is?
> Karl
    Come to think of this I did expand a partition /dev/sda7 with 
gparted when I installed Incincible. Is it possible that when you expand 
a partition you negate the size of the Expanded partition??

Still a bug but makes it different in type maybe.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
	#450462   http://counter.li.org.
   PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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