Can adept-updater be used in Gnome (hardy)?

NoOp glgxg at
Mon Oct 27 00:50:26 UTC 2008

On 10/26/2008 04:42 PM, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Leeonard Chatagnier wrote:
>> Just in case you don't have Adept Manager under application/system
>> tools. You can't run adept-updater as a stand alone program, only under
>> the GUI interface in kde or gnome.  If you try from CLI you get "command
>> not found" with or without sudo.  
> Works for me.  Perhaps you should have tried the underscore instead of the
> hyphen :-)  If you just tried:
> # adept<tab>
> bash completion should show you the actual command.
>> So, if you can figure out how to start 
>> it in gnome with root user privilege, you can do it. 
> gksu?  gksudo?  Not knowing gnome, I'm not sure which, but:
> # gksudo /usr/bin/adept_updater
> (though the /usr/bin shouldn't be necessary)

Ah! 'gksu adept_updater' works. I was missing the underscore - thanks.

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