OpenOffice 3?

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Oct 26 20:58:09 UTC 2008

On 10/25/2008 05:08 PM, Joris Dobbelsteen wrote:
> Mario Vukelic wrote, On 25-10-08 14:04:
>> On Sat, 2008-10-25 at 07:34 -0400, Paul Kaplan wrote:
>>> Are there any debs for OpenOffice3 in any K/Ubuntu-specific repository yet?
>>> Paul
> - Get rid of OpenOffice 2.4: "apt-get remove*".
> - Download deb .tar.gz from (choose a mirror closeby).
> - There is a directory with a lot of debs, just type "sudo dpkg -i *.deb".
> - Do also for the "destop integration" subdirectory.

That is bad advise (IMO) as the standard OOo 3.0 will coexist with your
current version of (U)OOo 2.4.x. Futher, unless you know how to use Sun
jmf you will not be able to use sound in your presentations etc. Also,
as you have see in your 'p.s.' there are still issues being worked on in
3.0; like any new major revision, you don't really find lurking issues
until you've released to the general population (over 3 million
downloads of OOo since it's release on the 13th).

Reinstall your (U)OOo 2.4.1 and keep it as a backup - it certainly won't
hurt, and you may be glad that you did. On the otherhand, the ppa
packages may use the go-oo/eximian version that (U)OOo uses; if so (I'll
try today on a test system) then it will include gstreamer and you won't
need to worry about the Sun jmf issues.

Note: here are instructions on how to install the current standard OOo
3.0 on hardy:

> (You can search for better directions, they are easy to find when 
> looking for "openoffice 3.0 hardy").
> I worked for me, flawlessly on Hardy x86.
> - Joris
> p.s. I did have issues where 2.4 lost the bullets when opening a 
> presentation edited with 3.0. Furthermore I encountered some bugs while 
> editing a presentation and got it to crash at several occasions though. 
> You should test your deployment before going ahead with it, especially 
> on the compatibility front.
[Bullets lost when loading in 2.4.1]
It's a serious issue and likely to be nominated as a showstopper for OOo
3.0.1. Here is another that is likely to make it to the same:
[Document AutoRecovery loads previous version of file]
Current 3.0.1 stoppers are listed here:
[OOo 3.0.1 release stoppers]

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