RAID 1 Config with AMD 780G Chipset

James Gray james at
Sat Oct 25 02:06:19 UTC 2008

On 25/10/2008, at 12:45 PM, Paul McCumber wrote:

> I'm trying to install the server version and I've been through the  
> and RAID config of the BIOS.   The Ubuntu install still sees two
> devices.   Does this mean that I have only software RAID as an opton?
> If so, and I believe this is the case, is it h/w optimized at all?    
> Are
> there any good FAQs for this Hardy on how to do the RAID 1 config?

It means your RAID controller is actually providing what's known as  
"fake RAID".  Just set up a software RAID - as many have commented on  
recently; the Linux software RAID options are robust, fast and flexible.


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