Vacation reply

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Fri Oct 24 02:24:58 UTC 2008

On Thursday 23 October 2008 11:49:30 am Bart Silverstrim wrote:
> > He must have subscribed, just like you or me. Think about it. This list
> > is a juicy target for spammers because by sending one email to the list
> > from a disposable Hotmail account, they can spam thousands of people
> > repeatedly until the list administrators clue in and ban him. To make
> > matters worse, people who are too lazy to trim posts properly end up
> > unwittingly helping the spammer by quoting the original spam in its
> > entirety in their responses to the list. For the spammer, it's the gift
> > that keeps on giving.
> Not really, since I'd think that you'd have to be a total f-wit to think
> that subscribing and sending SPAM to a list of mostly technical people
> will yield many customers.
> Most of the hits this scumbag will see on his site because of this stunt
> will be people working to track down a real-life address or other
> information on him (or her).

I have not seen the original spam message but have seen several replies to it 
so the spam must have been written in HTML and so hit the bit bucket on my 
machine without my ever having seen it.  Nice these filters which auto dump 
spam to the trash!!  I discovered early on that NO HTML message was worth 
either my time or effort to read, so made a filter.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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