Audio on DVD not working

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Thu Oct 23 23:18:59 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 10/23/2008 01:30 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
>> 20081023 1526 GMT-6
>> I've been working on getting video to work on my computer for some weeks 
>> now but Im not getting any results.
>> Today I received 15 dvd's to review for work and Im having a horrific 
>> time getting anything to work.
>> So far VLC is the only player that will open the disk and play anything 
>> - but its not reliable. Sometimes it'll play - sometimes it wont. But 
>> even when it does, there is no audio.
>> I tried each of the audio settings on audio modules but none of them 
>> help with any sound.
>> I would greatly appreciate some help.
>> wade
> Do you have audio working on any other DVD or music CD?
> Quite often we (TINW) end up installing just about every sound/video
> player in the repositories; Totem, Mplayer, VLC, RealMedia, etc., etc.
> Sometimes, more often than not, one of those conflict with the other and
> the overall result is a mess trying to figure out what the problem is.
> I've found in some cases it is just easier to back up your associated
> config files (just in case) purge (completely remove 'remove --purge')
> everything (VLC, Mplayer, et al) and then reinstall them one at a
> time... testing each one along the way.
> I prepared a system for a friend & installed the usual VLC, Mplayer, and
> a few more thinking "I have these on my systems, they work, so she'll
> probably want them to". In the end I had to uninstall and just go with
> Totem (Movie Player - the Ubuntu default) + relevent codecs on her
> machine. After that the machine rocked w/regard to music & sound.
> Don't get me wrong; I quite like VLC (I prefer SMPlayer/Mplayer) and
> have it installed & use it, I'm just saying that sometimes by installing
> & experimenting too much you can end up screwing up the system
> (video/audio). They may change mime types in config files, mime types in
> browsers, etc. You then install the next one and that one changes the
> mime types, configs, etc.
> That said; you don't give anyone much to go on... please provide some
> details on what you have installed & tried (including codecs & audio
> details).

20081023 1815 GMT-6

You saw my post 15 minutes ago about it being fixed? Right.

But your right about having too many. I installed MPlayer right after I 
got my system up and running but I also use VLC - and those two seem to 
handle everything I have ever need.


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