[Media] 8.04 Servers - Wikipedia

Bo Grimes boslists at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 01:13:48 UTC 2008

On Thu, 16 Oct 2008, Michael Hutchinson wrote:

> Hello everyone,

[snip OT stuff]

I have deleted the mails, but I don't recall anyone disagreeing with Res 
on content, only communication.  The very description on this lists say: 
"not for general discussions."  Most of us try to ignore such digressions. 
The issue was dead and didn't need to be brought back up again.

I have not seen any 'fan bois' on this list.  There are plenty of people 
here who have and still do use Gentoo, Fedora, Slackware and other 
flavors, and I'd wager most would tell anyone to use the best tool for his 

Often electronic communication with strangers is biased against real 
discussion, so we posture and pose, unless the discussion is kept to a 
technical nature.  I suspect that is why the list advertises that it is 
NOT for this kind of discussion.

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