Restore latest kernel

Mike Adolf mlnx at
Thu Oct 16 20:46:26 UTC 2008

NoOp wrote:
> On 10/16/2008 10:40 AM, Mike Adolf wrote:
>> This morning I ran the latest Ubuntu update.  It installed a new kernel 
>>  I rebooted and all was well.  Then I installed my new pctv 
>> 800i tuner card. To do so, according mythtv wiki, I first extracted 
>> firmware from a windows file and placed it into 
>> /lib/firmware/, I downloaded the latest v4l driver 
>> tree, did a make and make install. This is supposed to overwrite kernel 
>> drivers. When I tried to reboot modprob failed.  It also failed in 
>> recovery mode.
>> Can I some how remove the corrupt kernel, so that auto update 
>> reinstalls it? I an new booted into
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
> Yes. Boot into 19 then open Synaptic (System|Adminstration|Synaptic) and
> search '2.6.24-21'. The click the 'S' column and the installed packages
> will sort to the top. You'll find 'linux-headers-2.6.24-21' etc. Select
> all of them and right click and "Mark for Reinstallation' and then click
> the Apply button.
> This will reinstall and update your grub menu etc all at the same time.
> Alternately, you can "Mark for complete removal" and then use the
> terminal to:
> sudo apt-get update
> sudo apt-get upgrade
> to pull them back in.
Many Thanks, the "mark for reinstall" worked great.


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