[Media] 8.04 Servers - Wikipedia

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Thu Oct 16 08:22:54 UTC 2008

On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 18:02 +1000, Res wrote:
> Errrr, your kidding right? lets look at the most recent, debian/ubuntu 
> changes to SSL, that caused a nightmare for not only debian/ubuntu, but 
> operators of any system running a certificate that was generated on
> debian/ubuntu.

I made a pretty detailed (for the occasion) analysis, and this is what
you come up with in reply, even against my explicit appeal to dig a
little deeper this time and not just quote this single and (until you
present evidence to the contrary) isolated incident?

> debian caused this because they thought they new better than upstream.
> If upsteam releases it, I'm more than happy with it, but NOT when a distro 
> takes it off its own back and does it.

The OpenSSH incident was certainly, as I wrote in the email you replied
to, regrettable and stupid. Unfortunately you continue to fail to
address my point about the overall balance, as well as the fact that
distro-specific changes are often needed to improve integration. This
was AFAIK not the case with OpenSSH, but it is the cause for changes to
many other packages.

>  Slackware only releases updates 
> from upstream, and I think Gentoo as well, I'm sure they are more, 

As my analysis of September showed, all updates were triggered by
upstream bugs, and Slackware not making local changes had no effect
whatsoever on the number of updates pushed.

This contradicts your earlier assertion that the number of updates is
significantly lower on Slackware and Solaris due to bugs in
distro-specific changes.

It's your turn to come up with some facts.

> and 
> every release of Slackware has support for at least 5 years, not just one 
> LTS release in a blue moon.

LTS releases so far happen every 18 months. As for Slackware:
7.0 October 25, 1999
8.0 July 1, 2001
9.0 March 19, 2003
10.0 June 23, 2004
11.0 October 2, 2006
12.0 July 1, 2007

That looks like every one to two years to me. Your reasoning is
amazingly shallow.

> I dont expect to get anything less then drivell and rants here anyway, 
> afterall, we are on the ubuntu list, with all its usual fanbois.

More insults instead of facts ...

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