Changing desktop

Ken McLennan kenrmcl at
Thu Oct 16 04:46:17 UTC 2008

G'day there One & All,

    I'm currently using the Hardy version of Xubuntu, quite happily 
fulfilling all my requirements (although it doesn't yet make coffee the 
way I'd like), but for various reasons I'd like to change back to the 
standard Gnome version.

    I know I can use Synaptic to install ubuntu-desktop, but I was just 
wondering what may happen if I do so. I assume that I'll get both of 
them installed and can then select via the login menu, but is there 
anything that will break or get stuck with xfce libraries when I need 
Gnome, or vice versa? I'd prefer to keep a running system than try to 
fault find, and I have no inclination at all to reformat and install 
clean. Has anyone done this? or can confirm that I won't spend the next 
week cursing and swearing?

Thanks for reading,
See ya
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia 
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