dpkg-reconfigure not doing what I remember

Steven Davies-Morris sdavmor at systemstheory.net
Tue Oct 14 18:31:35 UTC 2008

> Chris G wrote:
>> But the problem is that Xorg *doesn't* always get the available
>> resolutions right, nor does it always default to a sensible resolution
>> even if it does detect all resolutions correctly.
> I often experience weird screen resolution issues with Kubuntu 7.10 and
> 8.04.1 on various graphics chipsets and monitors, particularly if the
> machine was not shut down cleanly. The KDM login screen will pan and
> usually (but not all the time) if I log in while it's misbehaving like
> that, the desktop resolution will also be wrong and it may or may not
> respond to changes in the System Preferences control panel. If it does
> not, I'll exit the session and get to KDM. Usually, after I hit
> Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, the KDM resolution and subsequently, the desktop
> resolution after login will be corrected. Sometimes I have to resort to
> rebooting the machine in recovery mode and running "xfix". It's
> mysterious, fiddly, and really quite annoying.

What Clifford said pretty much sums up my experience with video on
Hardy and Intrepid (I'm running the 8.10 beta). I'm using Gnome and
currently am using the OSE driver. I get the same set of issues if I
have the latest nVidia proprietary driver installed too, FWIW.
Cheers, SDM -- a 21st Century Schizoid Man
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