It's time for Hug Day!
Pedro Villavicencio Garrido
pedro at
Mon Oct 13 12:05:57 UTC 2008
Hello Ubuntu Lovers,
We're organizing the tomorrow hug day the package selected for this hug
day is: GNOME Power Manager, so far we have:
* 112 New bugs
* 40 Confirmed bugs
* 37 Incomplete bugs
Bookmark it, add it to your calendars, turn over your egg-timers!
* Tuesday October 14.
BLOG IT! Especially those on the Planet! There are people who want to
help but don't know how and sit on the sidelines of the blog-o-sphere
reading; I need your help to get those eyes from blogs to bugs. Let us
combine blog-powers to educate, "Bug work is a fun way to get involved!"
I think the best effect will be if we coordinate together in our blogs:
* Publish about the Hug Day Tuesday Oct 14 to get everyone excited.
* Hug some bugs and add yourself to the HugDay's wiki for your readers!
Make a difference: Join the Hug Day on Tuesday 14. We will be in
#ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) all day and night, and will be ready to answer
your questions about how to help.
If you're new to all this, head to
Have a nice day,
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