time zone install ssetting

Bo Grimes boslists at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 20:41:48 UTC 2008

On Sun, 12 Oct 2008, Nik N wrote:

> On 10/12/08, Bo Grimes <boslists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> man hwclock
>> Specifically look at the --set option
> That is not the solution to our problem. Hardware clock *is*
> running on UTC, the problem is how to tell Ubuntu that
> it should use UTC+0 timezone. I've noticed that some
> distributions have, in addition to "geographical" time zones,
> also "zones" which are specified as UTC +/- (x). There seems
> to be no way to specify that in Ubuntu, either at the installation
> time, or later.  cf.:

Sorry.  I thought it could do both: "hwclock is a tool for accessing the 
Hardware Clock.  You can display the current time, set the Hardware Clock 
to a specified time, set the Hardware Clock to the System Time, and set 
the System Time from the Hardware Clock."

I just came to Linux Mint from Gentoo, where there was a /etc/conf.d/clock 
file that was easy to alter, but I don't see such a beast in Ubuntu.

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