Getting Ubuntu To Install

David Fox dfox94085 at
Thu Oct 9 04:59:16 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Tommy & Joyce <masterchiefss at> wrote:
> I have downloaded the Ubuntu and cannot seem to get it installed or
> running..Can someone please tell me the secret of how to get this program
> working??

Does it boot? How far can you get during the boot, assuming it
successfully boots"

Are you having trouble doing the install?

Please give us more information which is needed to help you - like

what type of computer platform (ram, speed, disc size, hardware components etc)

what software you used to burn the CD. Did you burn the iso directly
or do you have a CD with an iso file on it? That is a common mistake -
ISOs need to be burned to the CD in raw mode.

Have you checked the contents of the disk? Are they good - try md5sum
(assiuming that exists or can be easily installed on Windows)

How are you installing (if you intend to install) - wubi or "standard"
where you partition the disk and install ubuntu on a separate disk or

> Joyce
> jlaesser at

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