What is the best option to open .docx, pptx files in Ubuntu LTS 8.04 ?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 9 00:58:25 UTC 2008

On 10/08/2008 04:51 PM, Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 04:25:48PM -0700, NoOp wrote:
>> File a bug (please). In searching the LP OOo bug list for docx I only
>> find one somewhat outdated & slightly odd bug report. See:
> I guess its a known issue. Here is some snippets from launchpad:
> docx support is not nearly complete yet, this problem should get
> somewhat better in 8.04 (OpenOffice 2.3.1) and then hopefully much
> better in 8.10 (OpenOffice 3.0.0).
> [...]
> Actually upstream openoffice doesn't support docx at all, the support
> that is available is from ooo-build but once openoffice 3.0 is
> released there will be upstream support for docx.
> [...]
> Oh, I am sorry, upstream means the official Sun OpenOffice.org.
> ooo-build is a set patches that go-oo.org makes to the official Sun
> version. Even once OpenOffice 3.0 is released it may not have full
> support for docx, as it still has problems with older versions of
> Microsoft formats as well. However, I meant that it is likely to be
> better supported than it is currently since it will be officially
> supported by Sun's OpenOffice at that point (3.0 release).

That's what I meant by "slightly odd bug report" meaning it can be a
little misleading if you don't know that history of OOo and go-ooo.org
docx support; at the time of Chris' replies OOo 2.3.1 didn't support
docx; it wasn't until OOo 3.0 that docx was supported.  go-ooo
(Novell/ximian/debian/ubuntu etc) on the otherhand (perhaps due to
Novell's agreement with Microsoft) implemented an import filter in their
branch of OOo. So, that's why you'll need to file a bug report against
the (U)OOo version as it's not the same as the standard OpenOffice.org
OOo version.

As I mentioned, the (U)OOo 2.4.1 version does open .docx files for me,
so please do file a bug so that Chris can have a look at the issue. If
you have a .docx sample/document & care to send it to me directly I'll
be happy to test it in (U)OOo 2.4.1, OOo3.0_m9(RC4), and StarOffice 9.

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